A Message To Our WKE Family
During this difficult time, we wanted to thank all of our artists’ fans for being understanding of the precautionary measures we have decided to take. The safety of our clients, colleagues and friends is our priority as we continue to follow the COVID-19 pandemic. WKE has rescheduled all touring and shows until further notice and we apologize for the inconvenience. We hope that everyone stays safe and makes an effort to stop this virus from spreading further. In the meantime, music has always been here to support and help us during difficult times. We encourage you all to follow our artists on social media as some will be performing and creating unique content. Our team is currently working remotely, and we are continuing to create exciting projects. WKE appreciates each and every one of you!
Un Mensaje Para Nuestra Familia De WKE
Durante estos momentos difíciles, queríamos agradecer a todos los fans de nuestros artistas por entender las medidas de precaución que hemos decidido tomar. La seguridad de nuestros clientes, colegas y amigos es nuestra prioridad mientras seguimos monitoreando la pandemia de COVID-19. WKE ha reprogramado giras y actuaciones hasta nuevo aviso y les pedimos disculpas por la inconveniencia. Esperamos que todos se mantengan seguros y hagan un esfuerzo para evitar que este virus se propague aun mas. Mientras tanto, la música siempre ha estado aquí para apoyarnos y ayudarnos durante los momentos difíciles. Les recomendamos a todos que sigan a nuestros artistas en redes sociales, ya que algunos crearan contenido único. Nuestro equipo esta trabajando a distancia y sigue creando proyectos. WKE los aprecia a todos!
A Message To Our WKE Family During this difficult time, we wanted to thank all […]